WOD 5.21.15

30 min AMRAP
30 calories on rower or airdyne
5 Wall walks
21 (The ( 2 ) stands for 2 KBS (53/35) the (1) stands for farmers carry 1 trip to the dumpster and back to the building )
19 burpees
85 dubs
30 Sit ups

Airdyne…Got 2 rounds and through the farmers carry on round 3….dubs really slowed me down. Otherwise i would have been gotten a full 3 and then some.

Remaining time:
Ab work TABATA style…5 rounds
10 sec rest
20 sec hollow rocks
10 sec rest
20 sec Walk ups ( elbows to hands hands to elbows etc)
10 sec rest
20 sec pikes
10 sec rest

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